ConvertXtoDVD Crashes During File Conversion

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ConvertXtoDVD Crashes During File Conversion

Messagepar catherinebennett » 16 Nov 2024 15:38


I am facing an issue with ConvertXtoDVD. The software crashes unexpectedly during the file conversion process; usually around the 50-60% mark. I have tried using different video file formats (MP4, AVI, MKV); but the problem persists. :shock:

My system has plenty of available RAM and disk space; and I have already tried reinstalling the software without success.

Has anyone else faced this issue?

Any advice on troubleshooting / resolving this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance! 8)
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Re: ConvertXtoDVD Crashes During File Conversion

Messagepar Scaramanga » 18 Nov 2024 17:23

Hi ! Here are a few suggestions:

1. Update ConvertXtoDVD: Check if there is an update available for the software. Developers often release patches to fix stability issues.

2. Check the video files: Sometimes video files can be corrupted or use incompatible codecs. Try converting a different video file (preferably in a standard format like MP4) to see if the problem persists.

3. Reduce system load: Even though the system has enough RAM and disk space, try closing other resource-heavy programs during conversion to minimize the impact on system performance.

4. Reinstall codecs: ConvertXtoDVD relies on codecs to process videos. Try reinstalling or updating video codecs. You can install a codec pack like **K-Lite Codec Pack**, which might resolve compatibility issues with certain formats.

5. Disable hardware acceleration: If the problem continues, try disabling hardware acceleration in the ConvertXtoDVD settings. This can help if your graphics card or its driver is causing issues during conversion.

6. Check output settings: Make sure the output settings (resolution, DVD format, etc.) are compatible with the source file.

7. Error logs: If possible, check the error logs or crash reports generated by the software after a crash. They might provide specific details about the cause of the issue.

I hope it can help you .
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