Probleme de création

Support francophone concernant ConvertXToDVD (anciennement DivXToDVD)

Probleme de création

Messagepar cybro » 13 Oct 2006 13:43

Bonjour, j'ai téléchargé la version d'essai il y a peu de convertxtodvd et quand le processus se finit, il est impossible de graver. Apres une meilleure recherche, il s'avère que ce logiciel me crée des fichiers d'une taille totale superieure a celle du dvd. J'ai beau eu changé dans les configurations la taille cible (4200 Mo ensuite 4000 Mo), le logiciel me sort toujours la meme taille totale (4,9 Go)...
Quelqu'un a une idée ?
Nouveau Membre
Messages: 2
Enregistré le: 13 Oct 2006

Messagepar Laddyc » 13 Oct 2006 14:14

merci de faire un copier coller du fichier log situé dans le menu aide du logiciel, et de mettre la conversation et version du film et logiciel utilisés
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Enregistré le: 31 Juil 2002

Messagepar cybro » 13 Oct 2006 14:22

Alors pour les logiciels juste un couple de virtualdub / nandub, le film a été compressé en xvid.

Le log en lui meme

12/10/2006 22:34:13 information ********** fin de la session ***********
12/10/2006 22:34:10 information Compatible media types : DVD-R, DVD-RW Seq., DVD-RW RO, DVD+R, DVD+RW, CD-R, CD-RW, DL DVD+R
12/10/2006 22:34:07 information Media removed. Burning layer not ready to write
12/10/2006 22:34:06 information New media inserted. Burning layer is ready to write
12/10/2006 22:33:42 information Compatible media types : DVD-R, DVD-RW Seq., DVD-RW RO, DVD+R, DVD+RW, CD-R, CD-RW, DL DVD+R
12/10/2006 22:33:42 information New Drive selected : 1:1:0 - LITE-ON DVDRW SOHW-1633S BS0A [G] (Ide)
12/10/2006 22:33:35 information Media removed. Burning layer not ready to write
12/10/2006 22:33:35 information New media inserted. Burning layer is ready to write
12/10/2006 22:33:31 information New Drive selected : 1:1:0 - LITE-ON DVDRW SOHW-1633S BS0A [G] (Ide)
12/10/2006 22:33:05 information --------------Encoding end--------------
12/10/2006 22:31:55 information Media removed. Burning layer not ready to write
12/10/2006 22:31:54 information New media inserted. Burning layer is ready to write
12/10/2006 22:31:31 information Media removed. Burning layer not ready to write
12/10/2006 22:31:30 information New media inserted. Burning layer is ready to write
12/10/2006 22:31:03 information Media removed. Burning layer not ready to write
12/10/2006 22:31:03 information New media inserted. Burning layer is ready to write
12/10/2006 22:29:02 information Compatible media types : DVD-R, DVD-RW Seq., DVD-RW RO, DVD+R, DVD+RW, CD-R, CD-RW, DL DVD+R
12/10/2006 22:29:01 information New Drive selected : 1:1:0 - LITE-ON DVDRW SOHW-1633S BS0A [G] (Ide)
12/10/2006 22:29:01 information Conversion terminée en 01:51:43
12/10/2006 22:28:40 information ------------Conversion du Menu--------------
12/10/2006 22:28:39 Avertissement 89873 frames dropped
12/10/2006 21:55:04 information Chapter #16 start at 75:0.262
12/10/2006 21:49:50 information Chapter #15 start at 70:0.296
12/10/2006 21:44:35 information Chapter #14 start at 65:0.029
12/10/2006 21:39:24 information Chapter #13 start at 60:0.063
12/10/2006 21:34:15 information Chapter #12 start at 55:0.096
12/10/2006 21:29:07 information Chapter #11 start at 50:0.564
12/10/2006 21:23:56 information Chapter #10 start at 44:59.997
12/10/2006 21:18:47 information Chapter #9 start at 39:59.730
12/10/2006 21:13:37 information Chapter #8 start at 35:0.598
12/10/2006 21:08:23 information Chapter #7 start at 30:0.632
12/10/2006 21:03:07 information Chapter #6 start at 24:59.631
12/10/2006 20:57:59 information Chapter #5 start at 19:59.665
12/10/2006 20:52:58 information Chapter #4 start at 14:59.698
12/10/2006 20:47:54 information Chapter #3 start at 9:59.732
12/10/2006 20:42:40 information Chapter #2 start at 4:59.766
12/10/2006 20:37:18 information Stream #1 Sync. delay : 0,00 ms
12/10/2006 20:37:18 information Stream #0 Sync. delay : 0,00 ms
12/10/2006 20:37:18 information Output Stream#1 - Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, stereo, 192 kb/s
12/10/2006 20:37:18 information Output Stream#0 - Video: mpeg2video, yuv420p, 720x576, q=1-31, 7547 kb/s
12/10/2006 20:37:18 information Video Stream #0 framerate : 25,00 Fps (source 60,01 Fps), no pulldown
12/10/2006 20:37:17 information Video source original frame rate: 60,01
12/10/2006 20:37:17 information PAL 25 FPS output format set by user
12/10/2006 20:37:17 information Fullscreen (4:3) set automatically
12/10/2006 20:37:17 information Bitrate vidéo 0/7547/8308 Kbps (min/avg/max)
12/10/2006 20:37:17 information Conversion "C:\Documents and Settings\DiD\Bureau\Vacances-été2005.AVI"
12/10/2006 20:37:17 information ----------------Titre #1----------------
12/10/2006 20:37:17 information Taille du projet 4,3 Gb. (105 Mb. audio - 4,19 Gb. video)
12/10/2006 20:37:17 information Stream #1 - Audio: pcm_s16le, 44100 Hz, stereo, 1411 kb/s
12/10/2006 20:37:17 information Stream #0 - Video: mpeg4, yuv420p, 576x432
12/10/2006 20:37:17 information 2 Stream(s) found - est. duration 01:16:22.933
12/10/2006 20:37:17 information Opening file "C:\Documents and Settings\DiD\Bureau\Vacances-été2005.AVI"
12/10/2006 20:37:16 information [ ] Don't fix audio gaps
12/10/2006 20:37:16 information [ ] Engine Log
12/10/2006 20:37:16 information Qualité de l'encodeur: 100%
12/10/2006 20:37:16 information --------------Encoding begin--------------
12/10/2006 20:37:16 information --------------Menu settings end--------------
12/10/2006 20:37:16 information [ ] Lecture séquentielle
12/10/2006 20:37:16 information [ ] Jouer en boucle
12/10/2006 20:37:16 information [X] Démarrer automatiquement la lecture
12/10/2006 20:37:16 information [X] Menu
12/10/2006 20:37:16 information --------------Menu settings begin--------------
12/10/2006 20:37:16 information --------------Default burn settings end--------------
12/10/2006 20:37:16 information Default speed selected: 4x
12/10/2006 20:37:16 information Compatible media types : DVD-R, DVD-RW Seq., DVD-RW RO, DVD+R, DVD+RW, CD-R, CD-RW, DL DVD+R
12/10/2006 20:37:16 information New Drive selected : 1:1:0 - LITE-ON DVDRW SOHW-1633S BS0A [G] (Ide)
12/10/2006 20:37:16 information [X] Delete files after burn complete
12/10/2006 20:37:16 information [ ] Don't eject after burn complete
12/10/2006 20:37:16 information [ ] Prefer SAO for DVD-R
12/10/2006 20:37:16 information [ ] Include originals
12/10/2006 20:37:16 information [X] Burn result to DVD
12/10/2006 20:37:16 information --------------Default burn settings begin--------------
12/10/2006 20:37:06 information User default language : 1036 (0x040Ch) - French (Standard)
12/10/2006 20:37:06 information System default language : 1036 (0x040Ch) - French (Standard)
12/10/2006 20:37:06 information Version
12/10/2006 20:37:06 information ExeName : "C:\Program Files\vso\ConvertXtoDVD\convertxtodvd.exe"
12/10/2006 20:37:06 information OS : Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
12/10/2006 20:37:06 information ******************** Report session started ********************
Nouveau Membre
Messages: 2
Enregistré le: 13 Oct 2006

Messagepar California Girl » 17 Oct 2006 15:48


Est ce que tu arrives a lire l'anglais? Le programmeur de convertxtodvd a repondu a un thread en anglais avec un cas similaire que le tien:

There is a potential target size issue in some case, and we still aren't decided on the best policy to fix it.

To set the target size, ConvertX check the overall video duration and set the bitrate of the output to reach the target size. But the duration is determined by reading headers and a very few frames of each video sources, to speed up the loading process. This information can be in some case *very* wrong.

If the real duration is sensibly longer than the duration ConvertX expect, the computed bitrate will be too high to produce the target size, the target will not fit on a single layer DVD...

To say it in a more simple way, if ConvertX think that a video is 1 hour, but the video is 2 hours, after 1 hour converted the target size will be reached, and when the whole video will be converted, the real size will be *2 the target size.

We have several solutions to fix such issue - and their caveheat:
* let the user set a well known duration for each video segment - if the user enter a wrong duration, the problem will be there even if ConvertX had the correct duration (which is the case 95% of the time)
* make sure that a video segment doesn't last more than expected - all the video after the duration will be void
* determine with accuracy the duration of the segment - accurate duration determination can take several minutes to complete.
* When target size is reached, chop the video and void all the remaining - conversion will not be complete

we are not yet decided which solution is the best, we may implement a mix of all that...


si tu n'arrives pas a comprendre fait un petit signe et quelqu'un viendra surement donner un coup de main
California Girl
VSO Software
VSO Software
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Enregistré le: 27 Jan 2005

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