Voici ce qui est dans les grandes "reviews" à propos de ce TA test:
http://www.cdrinfo.com/Sections/Reviews ... &PageId=21
« In a few simple words, this advanced Q-Check function checks the geometry of pit and lands on a recorded disc.
As most of you know, the DVD specifications specify the length of both pits and lands as multiplies of the T time period of the clock. The Q-Check function checks whether there are any variations in the size of the pit/land spots on a recorded disc, compared to the theoretical values (3T-14T).
In extreme cases where these variations are significant, reading could result in read errors
« … but we do have to mention a new Q-Check feature that is found on the PX-716A.
This new feature is called Q-Check TA Test which is used to check the readability of written DVDR discs.
If your recorded discs have problems being played in standalone DVD players you can use the TA Test to check if the readability of the disc is good or not