Que mesure donc le TA test ?

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Que mesure donc le TA test ?

Messagepar franz99 » 16 Jan 2006 10:24

Appelé précisément "Q-Check TA Test" dans Plextools Pro
TA est l'abréviation de "Time Analyser"
Ce test fonctionne uniquement avec les graveurs PX-716 et PX-755 (puis le PX-760 à sortir)

Voici les explications données dans Plextools au sujet du TA test:
Modifié en dernier par franz99 le 18 Jan 2006 13:49, modifié 8 fois.
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Messagepar franz99 » 16 Jan 2006 10:46

Voici ce qui est dans les grandes "reviews" à propos de ce TA test:

http://www.cdrinfo.com/Sections/Reviews ... &PageId=21
« In a few simple words, this advanced Q-Check function checks the geometry of pit and lands on a recorded disc.
As most of you know, the DVD specifications specify the length of both pits and lands as multiplies of the T time period of the clock. The Q-Check function checks whether there are any variations in the size of the pit/land spots on a recorded disc, compared to the theoretical values (3T-14T).
In extreme cases where these variations are significant, reading could result in read errors »

« … but we do have to mention a new Q-Check feature that is found on the PX-716A.
This new feature is called Q-Check TA Test which is used to check the readability of written DVDR discs.
If your recorded discs have problems being played in standalone DVD players you can use the TA Test to check if the readability of the disc is good or not »
Modifié en dernier par franz99 le 18 Jan 2006 11:08, modifié 6 fois.
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Messagepar franz99 » 18 Jan 2006 10:27

Voici ce que peut donner un TA test de Plextools Pro
(test possible uniquement avec les graveurs Px-716 et PX-755 )
pour un DVD simple couche puis un DVD double couche:
http://www.cdrinfo.com/Sections/Reviews ... &PageId=21

Exemple de TA test:

Voici ce qu’affiche le logiciel PxScan de alexnoe
qui inclut le TA test
[fonctionne avec le Plextor PX-716A]
http://www.cdrinfo.com/forum/tm.asp?m=1 ... age=3&key=
pour 2 tests de DVD simple couche:
A noter: ce logiciel PxScan qui inclut le TA test ne fonctionne plus avec le PX-755
http://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~noe/Ple ... d_commands

"Good burn"

"Crappy burn"
Modifié en dernier par franz99 le 24 Fév 2006 11:33, modifié 7 fois.
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Messagepar franz99 » 18 Jan 2006 10:38

Voici en tout cas les explications de alexnoe sur ce qu'est le TA test:

Un débat très intéressant:
" PxScan, PxView better than PlexTools ? "
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Messagepar franz99 » 19 Jan 2006 8:23

« . . . . If your recorded discs have problems being played in standalone DVD players
you can use the TA Test to check if the readability of the disc is good or not »
« . . . . Si vous avez des problèmes pour lire vos DVD gravés dans les platines de salon
vous pouvez utiliser le TA test pour vérifier si leur capacité à être lus est bonne ou non

J'aimerais beaucoup savoir comment cela se traduit statistiquement
dans la réalité des faits ...
Modifié en dernier par franz99 le 30 Mai 2006 8:22, modifié 3 fois.
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Messagepar franz99 » 18 Mai 2006 9:32

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Messagepar franz99 » 29 Juin 2007 22:04

Voici enfin un point de vue bien argumenté sur la manière dont il faut interpréter ce TA Test de Plextools:
« PlexTools Q-Check TA Test - What do results actually mean ? »
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Messagepar Monik » 10 Juil 2007 9:13

Quelqu'un pourrait-il nous expliquer ce qu'indique ce TA test comparé aux scans d'erreurs ?
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Messagepar franz99 » 11 Juil 2007 9:07

Voici les commentaires les plus intéressants extraits du sujet de cdfreaks cité ci-dessus:

hwp a écrit:The organic dye used to burn the pit/land structure into is a 'unstable' thing. It will decay over time. That is only natural.
TA-Test will NOT give you any information about how stable a dye is, whether its rate of decay is fast or slow, etc.
TA-Test will only tell you how the pit/land-structure looks to the drive at the moment of testing.

Obviously a good structure has more chance to survive the coming decay than one that is bad to begin with. Due to the decay the bad structure may become unreadable much sooner than a good one. So TA-Test will allow you to see how much chance for 'endurance' a disc may have in the future.
However, it will not tell you how long that endurance will last.
One kind of dye may - for example - burn well initially but show a high decay-rate afterwards. Another may burn badly but stay most stable afterwards. So you can use TA-Test to determine the rate of decay only by doing consecutive scans over a period of time

bob11879 a écrit: The TA, or Time Analysis, shows the grouping of the pits and lands that make up the encoding.
Each 8 bit computer byte is translated into a 14 bit serial word for writing (Eight to Fourteen Modulation, or EFM). The bits in this code are not representing 1's and 0's, but are various lengths of burned (pits) and unburned (lands) dye in the prestamped groove. There are 11 data bits and 3 'frame' or separator bits for each 'word'. The duration and presence (or absence) of reflection is decoded during the read and translated back to the original 8 bit data.
The lengths are fixed by the Red Book standard and are listed as T3 (shortest)-T11 (longest).
The TA shows the quality of these T3-T11 burns. There are generally more T3 bits, so the tighter the grouping of these bits, as well as the other, the greater the conformity to the book standard, and the better the readability.
If the TA results are muddy, the disc has got a strike against it before you even put it away.

As also mentioned above in the other posts, this tight grouping or 4/5 result does not mean diddly if the discs are not immediately stored properly in jewel cases or some such storage and kept in a stable temperature and humidity environment.
If you start with good quality discs and store properly, they will last a long time
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