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Du nouveau chez Ahead !

Messagepar PIER » 01 Sep 2003 21:01

Nero et InCD viennent de faire leurs apparitions.
La liste des nouveautés de ces versions n'est pas encore connue (d'ailleurs le sera-t-elle un jour ?), mais c'est versions sont déjà disponibles en local ou sur le site officiel.
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Messagepar Laddyc » 03 Sep 2003 12:48

Version Number:

Changes from Nero Burning ROM to

Features Added

-Added support for copying DVD+R multi-session discs
-Enabled the verify function when burning UDF discs to multiple recorders
-A new compilation type AAC has been added for Nero Express
-Improved usability of Nero BackItUp
-The erase disc dialog of Nero StartSmart can now be minimized
-The "Nero" button which is on the top left of Nero StartSmart will change to "Update" if updates of the installed programs are available
-Implemented keyboard support in Nero StartSmart

Bug Fixes

-Solved a problem which occurred while burning bootable CDs without any files in the ISO part
-The file browser is now handling empty CD/DVD-ROM and recorders correctly
-Solved dialog display problem under Windows 98
-Improvement of verify in case of ISO Level 2 compilations with Joliet turned off
-Solved a problem that caused verifications of compilations failing if some unusual characters are used in the file names
-Improvement of displaying a correct file/folder dialog even under different view of compilation
-Improvement of play lists in case adding items in the audio compilation
-Added a new message dialog for drag & drop between two compilations
DVD-Video compatibility mode is now only available for DVD-Video compilation
-Changed formatting behaviour on DVD+RW to be faster and not to abort burn process
-The Nero file browser was showing wrong content in case of CD-ROM drives
-The full-o-meter did not get updated after "Refresh compilation"
-The auto shutdown option is now available by default
Ctrl+z is now working for undo operation
-Solved a compatibility problem between Nero and InCD4
-Enabled video property selection in NE
-The more page panel of Nero Express will be opened non-modally if there is not enough space on the desktop. Otherwise, the Nero Express window will be resized to fit the more page
-Solved a problem with Nero file browser which was not taking the correct position when switched from NeroExpress to Nero
-In case of changing recorders, multi-session option will be correctly initialized in NeroExpress
-Improved NeroExpress disc title edit field
-Adding files bigger than 2GB to ISO compilation is not possible anymore.
-In this case NeroExpress allows the user to switch to UDF
-BackItUp: Fixed wrong text in the backup wizard
-NeroExpress: Improvement of displaying of non ASCII characters in the "Add file/folder" dialog
-NeroExpress: Fixed stability problems when using disc images
-BackItUp: Scheduler will now start the job at the next Windows start-up if the computer was off at the scheduled time
-Wave Editor: now remembers GUI customisation done by the user
-Wave Editor: Fixed relation between "Percentage" and "BPM" in the Time Correction dialog
-Wave Editor: the problem of always appearing in English is solved when started from Nero SoundTrax
-Wave Editor: fixed stability problems when Nero Wave Editor is started from Nero SoundTrax
-Wave Editor: solved a problem with audio effects which occurred under some conditions
-Wave Editor: improved keyboard support
-SoundTrax: improved compatibility with Japanese systems
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Messagepar PIER » 06 Sep 2003 10:52

InCD 4.05.3 a fait son apparition hier sur les serveur Ahead, mais aucunes informations ne circule à propos de cette version. :roll:

Disponible dans notre rubrique Image Téléchargement.
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Messagepar williams » 06 Sep 2003 12:31

c'est un peu le bazar chez Ahead en ce moment :evil:

ils ne s'en sortent plus depuis le packetage Nero 6 :lol:

Il devraient embaucher des béta-testeurs avant de sortir la version mensuelle :evil:
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Messagepar williams » 06 Sep 2003 19:04

InCD 2 diffusions pour la même version ?

En comparant les 2 archives d'installation, les dates des fichiers InCD sont les mêmes.

A l'installation de la sur une, l'assistant d'installation propose la mise à jour d'InCD vers

En résumé, la version .03 est la même que .3.

Inutile de télécharger la version si vous avez déjà la :P
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Messagepar PIER » 06 Sep 2003 22:02

Pourtant les fichiers n'ont pas la même taille ! :roll:
Abréviations et style SMS sont à proscrire, merci de faire des phrases !
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Messagepar gowap » 07 Sep 2003 0:03

@ William : tu as testé le screensaver ? :lol:
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