DVD Identifier 3.2

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DVD Identifier 3.2

Messagepar williams » 18 Nov 2003 21:14

Pour lire l'ADIP des DVD±R/RW utilisez DVD Identifier - http://dvd.identifier.cdfreaks.com/


'DVD Identifier' retrieves and interprets the pre-recorded information that is present on all DVD+R/+RW and DVD-R/-RW Media. This information contains a variety of parameters such as disc manufacturing information and supported write speeds. All this information is especially useful for uniquely identifying discs when comparing the quality of different discs. Since the packaging of a disc is not a reliable way of identifying it (e.g. different brands can still have the same manufacturer and some discs don't even have any labeling whatsoever) "DVD Identifier" now offers a 100% reliable method to distinguish between discs.


Liens téléchargement :
:arrow: Lien officiel 1 (Version 3.2)
:arrow: Lien officiel 2 (Version 3.0)

Revision History (V3.2 - released November 16, 2003) :
[V3.2] The speeds at which the drive is capable of writing on a specific disc are now also reported. Previously only the disc's recording speed capabilities, regardless of the drive's capabilities, were reported.
[V3.2] Completely rewritten help-file which is now available in HTML help format.
[V3.2] Implemented a workaround to solve the issue of getting no (or corrupted) disc information on some configurations with extra IDE controllers.
[V3.2] Fixed a drive hang on (at least) one type of DVD-R/-RW writer.

[V3.1] The certified recording speeds for DVD-R/-RW media are now also reported. Previously this was only available for DVD+R/+RW.
[V3.1] The disc's entire 'media code'-block is now accessible (with optional clipboard copy).
[V3.1] Windows XP theme support has been added.
[V3.1] Implemented a workaround for a (rare) driver conflict which resulted in a system crash.
[V3.1] Data copied to clipboard now retains correct formatting regardless of destination (e.g. Word & Outlook)
[V3.1] Improved handling of those uncommon discs that do not contain any manufacturer identification at all.
[V3.1] The usual variety of small changes, fixes and improvements.
[V3.0] Support for DVD-R/-RW has been added. Therefore this utility is now called 'DVD Identifier' instead of 'DVD Plus Identifier'.
[V3.0] Disc polling allows for smooth disc initialization.
[V3.0] Loads of other changes, improvements and other new features!
[V2.4] A new build of V2.4 has been uploaded on October 2nd to fix a minor button image corruption issue on some systems.
[V2.4] Improved error handling.
[V2.4] Several miscellaneous changes.
[V2.4] Enhancements to the internet version check algorithm.
[V2.4] A minor cosmetic makeover.
[V2.3] Added a check to verify if a new version is available for download.
[V2.3] A variety of small changes and improvements.
[V2.2] Only drives capable of ADIP retrieval will now be shown. This way ADIP retrieval attempts using unsuitable devices are not possible anymore.
[V2.1] Fixed the problem of always reporting the 'Disc Type' as DVD+R.
[V2.1] The 'Unique disc identifier' has been extended so that it now also includes the 'Disc type'.
[V2.1] Several lay-out improvements : Cleaned up the copy-to-clipboard information and the 'Unique Disc Identifier' is now displayed more prominently.
[V2.01] A 'Unique Disc Identifier' is now also calculated by concatenating the 3 parameters which are relevant for disc identification. It is easier and more efficient to refer to a specific disc this way.
[V2.0] An alternative method of ADIP retrieval has been added. This will resolve most, if not all, compatibility issues !
[V2.0] Several small fixes, changes and improvements.
[V1.1] Following additional disc parameters are now also displayed : Disc type, System description, Product revision, Disc application code and Supported write speeds.
[V1.1] Added 'Copy to clipboard'-option.
[V1.0] The first version of DVD Plus Identifier has been released !
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