[News] DVDxCopy v1.5 disponible

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[News] DVDxCopy v1.5 disponible

Messagepar Laddyc » 27 Mar 2003 0:47

Télécharger la nouvelle version : DVDXCopy v1.5
  • New Gearworks drivers - additional DVD drives are supported. DVDXC
  • Internal Nero burn engine is disabled. All internal burns will be done with Gearworks engine.
  • External Nero burn support is still available.
  • DVDXCopy will no longer complain if the user attempts to back up an Archived DVD, DVDXCopy will simply ignore it and continue to look for an original DVD.
  • FULL and WIDE screen display for title set selection. Previously all title sets had shown [FULL] all the time, in the disk1 and disk2 list displays.
  • The "Copy Now" and "Burn Now" buttons now call attention to themselves.
  • Changes to the license activation system. Sorry folks, everyone will have to re-activate their copy of DVDXCopy.
  • The tutorial tab has been removed. The tutorial now resides behind a "help" button.
  • Improved support for episodic disks
  • Multi-lingual tutorial

source : www.cdfreaks.com
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