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Support francophone concernant ConvertXToDVD (anciennement DivXToDVD)

Image qui saute

Messagepar Abby » 07 Sep 2006 0:33

J'espère que quelqu'un va pouvoir m'aider à résoudre mon problème... J'ai graver plusieurs DVD avec ConvertXtoDVD, mais la plupart ne fonctionne pas bien sur mon lecteur de salon: l'image des films et du menu saute. Par contre, les DVD sont bien lisibles sur mon PC, aucun problème là. Je n'arrive pas à comprendre pourquoi certains DVD fonctionnent très bien alors que d'autres non... Merci bien de m'aider :roll:
Nouveau Membre
Messages: 4
Enregistré le: 07 Sep 2006

Messagepar cougar_ii » 07 Sep 2006 2:19


S.V.P nous offrir in LOG complet, sans ça on ne peux pas deviner ce qui se passe.

Tu as créé un DVD NTSC et tu as besoin de PAL ?
VSO Software Golden Membership Proud Owner / VSO Software ßeta Tester

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[VSO] Client En Or
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Messages: 538
Enregistré le: 12 Juil 2005
Localisation: Dans le sous-sol de VSO Software

Messagepar Abby » 07 Sep 2006 2:24

c'est pour faire un DVD NTSC
désolé, je n'ai pas de très grandes connaissances de l'informatique, comment je fais pour avoir le log?
merci d'avance...
Nouveau Membre
Messages: 4
Enregistré le: 07 Sep 2006

Messagepar Laddyc » 07 Sep 2006 9:42

Abby a écrit: comment je fais pour avoir le log?
merci d'avance...

dans le menu Aide de convertxtodvd , tu as ouvrir le fichier log.
Faire un copier/coller ensuite dans ton sujet. :wink:
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Messages: 7566
Enregistré le: 31 Juil 2002

Messagepar Abby » 07 Sep 2006 19:22

merci... :)
alors voici pour le log...
2006-08-17 12:42:21 information ********** fin de la session ***********
2006-08-17 12:42:13 information Media removed. Burning layer not ready to write
2006-08-17 00:21:21 information Répertoire D:\convertxtodvd\1001 pattes\ supprimé
2006-08-17 00:21:21 information Finalization Time 00:00:46 - Total completion time 00:10:18
2006-08-17 00:20:34 information Write finished in 00:09:31 - Finalization start here. Avg. burn rate 6,43
2006-08-17 00:11:26 information Lead-in burning time (mS) 24134
2006-08-17 00:11:02 information Write started 2262624 sectors to write
2006-08-17 00:11:02 information Init success: DVD-R packet writing
2006-08-17 00:11:02 information Writing speed requested x8.0, effective x8.0
2006-08-17 00:11:02 information Available write speed: 8x, 4x
2006-08-17 00:11:02 information Media ID: TYG02
2006-08-17 00:11:02 information DMA Enabled
2006-08-17 00:11:02 information Scanned files #18, folder #2 - total size 4632711168 b. (4,31 Gb.)
2006-08-17 00:11:02 information Inserted media type : DVD-R
2006-08-17 00:11:02 information Write started
2006-08-17 00:11:01 information --------------Encoding end--------------
2006-08-17 00:11:01 information Media name: "1001 pattes"
2006-08-17 00:11:01 information Burned folder: "D:\convertxtodvd\1001 pattes\"
2006-08-17 00:10:46 information New media inserted. Burning layer is ready to write
2006-08-17 00:10:44 information Compatible media types : DVD-R, DVD-RW Seq., DVD-RW RO, DVDRAM, DVD+R, DVD+RW, CD-R, CD-RW, DL DVD+R
2006-08-17 00:10:44 information New Drive selected : 0:0:0 - HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4163B A102 [E] (Ide)
2006-08-17 00:10:44 information Conversion terminée en 03:48:51
2006-08-17 00:10:34 information ------------Converting Menu--------------
2006-08-17 00:07:53 information Chapter #15 start at 70:0.120
2006-08-17 00:04:53 information Chapter #14 start at 65:0.000
2006-08-17 00:02:04 information Chapter #13 start at 59:59.880
2006-08-16 23:59:23 information Chapter #12 start at 54:59.640
2006-08-16 23:56:36 information Chapter #11 start at 49:59.800
2006-08-16 23:53:54 information Chapter #10 start at 45:0.040
2006-08-16 23:51:09 information Chapter #9 start at 39:59.960
2006-08-16 23:48:18 information Chapter #8 start at 34:59.800
2006-08-16 23:45:30 information Chapter #7 start at 29:59.640
2006-08-16 23:42:40 information Chapter #6 start at 24:59.760
2006-08-16 23:39:53 information Chapter #5 start at 19:59.920
2006-08-16 23:37:00 information Chapter #4 start at 15:0.040
2006-08-16 23:34:13 information Chapter #3 start at 9:59.960
2006-08-16 23:31:28 information Chapter #2 start at 5:0.120
2006-08-16 23:28:37 information Stream #1 Sync. delay : 0,00 ms
2006-08-16 23:28:37 information Stream #0 Sync. delay : 0,00 ms
2006-08-16 23:28:37 information Output Stream#1 - Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, stereo, 192 kb/s
2006-08-16 23:28:37 information Output Stream#0 - Video: mpeg2video, yuv420p, 720x576, q=2-31, 1183 kb/s
2006-08-16 23:28:37 information Video Stream #0 framerate : 25,00 Fps (source 25,00 Fps), no pulldown
2006-08-16 23:28:37 information Padded source image : Left 0, Top 24, Right 0, Bottom 24
2006-08-16 23:28:35 information Video source original frame rate: 25,00
2006-08-16 23:28:35 information PAL 25 FPS output format set automatically
2006-08-16 23:28:35 information Fullscreen (4:3) set automatically
2006-08-16 23:28:35 information Bitrate vidéo 0/1183/8308 Kbps (min/avg/max)
2006-08-16 23:28:35 information Conversion "D:\FILMS\WALT DISNEY\Toy.Story.avi"
2006-08-16 23:28:35 information ----------------Title #5----------------
2006-08-16 23:28:35 Avertissement 6433 frames dropped
2006-08-16 23:26:44 information Chapter #17 start at 80:0.128
2006-08-16 23:23:57 information Chapter #16 start at 74:59.895
2006-08-16 23:21:06 information Chapter #15 start at 69:59.862
2006-08-16 23:18:20 information Chapter #14 start at 64:59.829
2006-08-16 23:15:36 information Chapter #13 start at 59:59.862
2006-08-16 23:12:45 information Chapter #12 start at 54:59.696
2006-08-16 23:09:51 information Chapter #11 start at 49:59.696
2006-08-16 23:07:07 information Chapter #10 start at 44:59.730
2006-08-16 23:04:21 information Chapter #9 start at 39:59.764
2006-08-16 23:01:28 information Chapter #8 start at 35:0.031
2006-08-16 22:58:26 information Chapter #7 start at 30:0.131
2006-08-16 22:55:23 information Chapter #6 start at 24:59.898
2006-08-16 22:51:44 information Chapter #5 start at 19:59.765
2006-08-16 22:48:30 information Chapter #4 start at 14:59.665
2006-08-16 22:45:40 information Chapter #3 start at 9:59.966
2006-08-16 22:42:49 information Chapter #2 start at 5:0.066
2006-08-16 22:39:58 information Stream #1 Sync. delay : 0,00 ms
2006-08-16 22:39:58 information Stream #0 Sync. delay : 0,00 ms
2006-08-16 22:39:58 information Output Stream#1 - Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, stereo, 192 kb/s
2006-08-16 22:39:58 information Output Stream#0 - Video: mpeg2video, yuv420p, 720x480, q=2-31, 1193 kb/s
2006-08-16 22:39:58 information Video Stream #0 framerate : 29,97 Fps (source 31,25 Fps), no pulldown
2006-08-16 22:39:58 information Padded source image : Left 0, Top 16, Right 0, Bottom 16
2006-08-16 22:39:56 information Video source original frame rate: 31,25
2006-08-16 22:39:56 information NTSC 29.97 FPS output format set automatically
2006-08-16 22:39:56 information Widescreen (16:9) set automatically
2006-08-16 22:39:56 information Bitrate vidéo 0/1193/8308 Kbps (min/avg/max)
2006-08-16 22:39:56 information Conversion "D:\FILMS\WALT DISNEY\Le Roi Lion.avi"
2006-08-16 22:39:56 information ----------------Title #4----------------
2006-08-16 22:39:56 Avertissement 2 frames duplicated
2006-08-16 22:39:02 information Chapter #17 start at 79:59.840
2006-08-16 22:36:12 information Chapter #16 start at 74:59.680
2006-08-16 22:33:00 information Chapter #15 start at 69:59.880
2006-08-16 22:32:56 information Audio discontinuity fixed at 4193201,63 ms: 24,01 ms added
2006-08-16 22:29:58 information Chapter #14 start at 64:59.680
2006-08-16 22:27:01 information Chapter #13 start at 60:0.080
2006-08-16 22:23:58 information Chapter #12 start at 54:59.640
2006-08-16 22:20:50 information Chapter #11 start at 49:59.760
2006-08-16 22:18:52 information Audio discontinuity fixed at 2796068,56 ms: 24,04 ms added
2006-08-16 22:17:56 information Chapter #10 start at 44:59.880
2006-08-16 22:15:02 information Chapter #9 start at 39:59.800
2006-08-16 22:12:04 information Chapter #8 start at 34:59.920
2006-08-16 22:09:02 information Chapter #7 start at 29:59.960
2006-08-16 22:05:59 information Chapter #6 start at 24:59.880
2006-08-16 22:04:57 information Audio discontinuity fixed at 1397655,50 ms: 24,02 ms added
2006-08-16 22:02:55 information Chapter #5 start at 20:0.000
2006-08-16 22:00:02 information Chapter #4 start at 14:59.720
2006-08-16 21:57:06 information Chapter #3 start at 10:0.080
2006-08-16 21:54:11 information Chapter #2 start at 4:59.920
2006-08-16 21:51:10 information Stream #1 Sync. delay : 0,00 ms
2006-08-16 21:51:10 information Stream #0 Sync. delay : 0,00 ms
2006-08-16 21:51:10 information Output Stream#1 - Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, stereo, 192 kb/s
2006-08-16 21:51:10 information Output Stream#0 - Video: mpeg2video, yuv420p, 720x576, q=2-31, 1200 kb/s
2006-08-16 21:51:08 information Video Stream #0 framerate : 25,00 Fps (source 25,00 Fps), no pulldown
2006-08-16 21:51:08 information Padded source image : Left 0, Top 32, Right 0, Bottom 32
2006-08-16 21:51:07 information Video source original frame rate: 25,00
2006-08-16 21:51:07 information PAL 25 FPS output format set automatically
2006-08-16 21:51:07 information Widescreen (16:9) set automatically
2006-08-16 21:51:07 information Bitrate vidéo 0/1200/8308 Kbps (min/avg/max)
2006-08-16 21:51:07 information Conversion "D:\FILMS\WALT DISNEY\Gang de requins.avi"
2006-08-16 21:51:07 information ----------------Title #3----------------
2006-08-16 21:51:07 Avertissement 1024 frames duplicated
2006-08-16 21:50:46 information Chapter #20 start at 94:59.944
2006-08-16 21:48:32 information Chapter #19 start at 89:59.644
2006-08-16 21:46:21 information Chapter #18 start at 84:59.727
2006-08-16 21:44:08 information Chapter #17 start at 80:0.045
2006-08-16 21:41:46 information Chapter #16 start at 75:0.128
2006-08-16 21:39:32 information Chapter #15 start at 69:59.828
2006-08-16 21:37:15 information Chapter #14 start at 64:59.779
2006-08-16 21:35:00 information Chapter #13 start at 59:59.729
2006-08-16 21:32:43 information Chapter #12 start at 54:59.929
2006-08-16 21:30:42 information Chapter #11 start at 49:59.880
2006-08-16 21:28:46 information Chapter #10 start at 44:59.830
2006-08-16 21:26:45 information Chapter #9 start at 39:59.897
2006-08-16 21:24:52 information Chapter #8 start at 34:59.981
2006-08-16 21:22:58 information Chapter #7 start at 29:59.931
2006-08-16 21:21:00 information Chapter #6 start at 24:59.631
2006-08-16 21:18:51 information Chapter #5 start at 20:0.082
2006-08-16 21:16:54 information Chapter #4 start at 15:0.032
2006-08-16 21:14:57 information Chapter #3 start at 10:0.099
2006-08-16 21:13:00 information Chapter #2 start at 4:59.799
2006-08-16 21:10:59 information Stream #1 Sync. delay : 0,00 ms
2006-08-16 21:10:59 information Stream #0 Sync. delay : 0,00 ms
2006-08-16 21:10:59 information Output Stream#1 - Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, stereo, 192 kb/s
2006-08-16 21:10:59 information Output Stream#0 - Video: mpeg2video, yuv420p, 720x480, q=2-31, 1204 kb/s
2006-08-16 21:10:59 information Video Stream #0 Pulldown : 23,976 -> 29,97 Fps
2006-08-16 21:10:59 information Padded source image : Left 0, Top 56, Right 0, Bottom 56
2006-08-16 21:10:58 information Video source original frame rate: 23,98
2006-08-16 21:10:58 information NTSC 29.97 FPS output format set automatically
2006-08-16 21:10:58 information Widescreen (16:9) set automatically
2006-08-16 21:10:58 information Bitrate vidéo 0/1204/8308 Kbps (min/avg/max)
2006-08-16 21:10:58 information Conversion "D:\FILMS\WALT DISNEY\Atlantide.avi"
2006-08-16 21:10:57 information ----------------Title #2----------------
2006-08-16 21:09:17 information Chapter #18 start at 85:0.040
2006-08-16 21:06:34 information Chapter #17 start at 79:59.800
2006-08-16 21:03:34 information Chapter #16 start at 74:59.800
2006-08-16 21:00:49 information Chapter #15 start at 69:59.960
2006-08-16 20:58:08 information Chapter #14 start at 65:0.040
2006-08-16 20:55:28 information Chapter #13 start at 59:59.720
2006-08-16 20:52:48 information Chapter #12 start at 54:59.640
2006-08-16 20:50:03 information Chapter #11 start at 50:0.040
2006-08-16 20:47:14 information Chapter #10 start at 44:59.840
2006-08-16 20:44:28 information Chapter #9 start at 40:0.040
2006-08-16 20:41:40 information Chapter #8 start at 34:59.800
2006-08-16 20:38:47 information Chapter #7 start at 30:0.000
2006-08-16 20:36:00 information Chapter #6 start at 25:0.040
2006-08-16 20:33:17 information Chapter #5 start at 20:0.080
2006-08-16 20:30:35 information Chapter #4 start at 14:59.760
2006-08-16 20:27:55 information Chapter #3 start at 10:0.040
2006-08-16 20:25:12 information Chapter #2 start at 4:59.800
2006-08-16 20:21:52 information Stream #1 Sync. delay : 0,00 ms
2006-08-16 20:21:52 information Stream #0 Sync. delay : 0,00 ms
2006-08-16 20:21:52 information Output Stream#1 - Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, stereo, 192 kb/s
2006-08-16 20:21:52 information Output Stream#0 - Video: mpeg2video, yuv420p, 720x576, q=2-31, 1207 kb/s
2006-08-16 20:21:52 information Video Stream #0 framerate : 25,00 Fps (source 25,00 Fps), no pulldown
2006-08-16 20:21:52 information Video source original frame rate: 25,00
2006-08-16 20:21:52 information PAL 25 FPS output format set automatically
2006-08-16 20:21:52 information Fullscreen (4:3) set automatically
2006-08-16 20:21:52 information Bitrate vidéo 0/1207/8308 Kbps (min/avg/max)
2006-08-16 20:21:52 information Conversion "D:\FILMS\WALT DISNEY\1001 pattes.avi"
2006-08-16 20:21:52 information ----------------Title #1----------------
2006-08-16 20:21:52 information Taille du projet 4,3 Gb. (583 Mb. audio - 3,73 Gb. video)
2006-08-16 20:21:52 information Stream #1 - Audio: mp3, 48000 Hz, stereo, 96 kb/s
2006-08-16 20:21:52 information Stream #0 - Video: msmpeg4, yuv420p, 640x432
2006-08-16 20:21:52 information 2 Stream(s) found - est. duration 01:14:50.000
2006-08-16 20:21:52 information Opening file "D:\FILMS\WALT DISNEY\Toy.Story.avi"
2006-08-16 20:21:51 information Stream #1 - Audio: mp3, 44100 Hz, stereo, 112 kb/s
2006-08-16 20:21:51 information Stream #0 - Video: mpeg4, yuv420p, 560x288
2006-08-16 20:21:51 information 2 Stream(s) found - est. duration 01:23:50.429
2006-08-16 20:21:51 information Opening file "D:\FILMS\WALT DISNEY\Le Roi Lion.avi"
2006-08-16 20:21:51 information Stream #1 - Audio: mp3, 44100 Hz, stereo, 128 kb/s
2006-08-16 20:21:51 information Stream #0 - Video: mpeg4, yuv420p, 480x236
2006-08-16 20:21:51 information 2 Stream(s) found - est. duration 01:21:28.640
2006-08-16 20:21:51 information Opening file "D:\FILMS\WALT DISNEY\Gang de requins.avi"
2006-08-16 20:21:51 information Stream #1 - Audio: mp3, 48000 Hz, stereo, 128 kb/s
2006-08-16 20:21:51 information Stream #0 - Video: msmpeg4, yuv420p, 576x240
2006-08-16 20:21:51 information 2 Stream(s) found - est. duration 01:35:45.996
2006-08-16 20:21:51 information Opening file "D:\FILMS\WALT DISNEY\Atlantide.avi"
2006-08-16 20:21:51 information Stream #1 - Audio: mp3, 48000 Hz, stereo, 96 kb/s
2006-08-16 20:21:51 information Stream #0 - Video: msmpeg4, yuv420p, 640x480
2006-08-16 20:21:51 information 2 Stream(s) found - est. duration 01:28:20.000
2006-08-16 20:21:51 information Opening file "D:\FILMS\WALT DISNEY\1001 pattes.avi"
2006-08-16 20:21:50 information [ ] Engine Log
2006-08-16 20:21:50 information Qualité de l'encodeur: 50%
2006-08-16 20:21:50 information --------------Encoding begin--------------
2006-08-16 20:21:50 information --------------Menu settings end--------------
2006-08-16 20:21:50 information [ ] Lecture séquentielle
2006-08-16 20:21:50 information [ ] Jouer en boucle
2006-08-16 20:21:50 information [ ] Démarrer automatiquement la lecture
2006-08-16 20:21:50 information [X] Menu
2006-08-16 20:21:50 information --------------Menu settings begin--------------
2006-08-16 20:21:50 information --------------Default burn settings end--------------
2006-08-16 20:21:50 information Default speed selected: Max
2006-08-16 20:21:50 information Compatible media types : DVD-R, DVD-RW Seq., DVD-RW RO, DVDRAM, DVD+R, DVD+RW, CD-R, CD-RW, DL DVD+R
2006-08-16 20:21:50 information New Drive selected : 0:0:0 - HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4163B A102 [E] (Ide)
2006-08-16 20:21:50 information [X] Delete files after burn complete
2006-08-16 20:21:50 information [ ] Don't eject after burn complete
2006-08-16 20:21:50 information [ ] Prefer SAO for DVD-R
2006-08-16 20:21:50 information [ ] Include originals
2006-08-16 20:21:50 information [X] Burn result to DVD
2006-08-16 20:21:50 information --------------Default burn settings begin--------------
2006-08-16 20:18:43 information User default language : 3084 (0x0C0Ch) - French (Canadian)
2006-08-16 20:18:43 information System default language : 3084 (0x0C0Ch) - French (Canadian)
2006-08-16 20:18:43 information Version
2006-08-16 20:18:43 information ExeName : "C:\Program Files\ConvertXtoDVD\ConvertXtoDvd.exe"
2006-08-16 20:18:43 information OS : Microsoft Windows XP Personal Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
2006-08-16 20:18:42 information ******************** Report session started ********************
Nouveau Membre
Messages: 4
Enregistré le: 07 Sep 2006

Messagepar cougar_ii » 07 Sep 2006 21:40


Dans les configurations, tu n'as pas selectioné NTSC.

Tu l'as sur automatique.

2006-08-16 23:28:35 information PAL 25 FPS output format set automatically

La moité de tes fichiers ont sortie NTSC et l'autre moitié en PAL !

2006-08-16 20:18:43 information Version

La version la plus récente est v2.0.17

Très bientôt la version v2.1 sera disponible, elle est en développement et en test ßeta.

2006-08-16 20:21:50 information New Drive selected : 0:0:0 - HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4163B A102 [E] (Ide)

Ton graveur a le firmware A102.

La version A106 est disponible ici:
VSO Software Golden Membership Proud Owner / VSO Software ßeta Tester

Avatar de l’utilisateur
[VSO] Client En Or
Membre permanent
Messages: 538
Enregistré le: 12 Juil 2005
Localisation: Dans le sous-sol de VSO Software

Messagepar Abby » 08 Sep 2006 1:24

Merci beaucoup cougar,
J'ai mis à jour ma version du logiciel et mon graveur...
Maintenant, tout a l'air de bien fonctionner :)
Merci encore de ton aide
Nouveau Membre
Messages: 4
Enregistré le: 07 Sep 2006

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