InCD v4.1.5.7

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InCD v4.1.5.7

Messagepar Laddyc » 17 Fév 2004 15:15

InCD v4.1.5.7

Changements :

-Fixed: some recorders failed formatting a 700MB (80min) CD-RW disc
-Fixed a problem that during a format is in process, the progress bar was not working
-Fixed that mounting the disc did not work after a formatting a disc on W9x OS
-Fixed that InCD could not start up on some Windows XP with auto logon
-Fixed a “File Compare error” for long file names containing multibyte characters
-Fixed a problem happening if a file copy was in progress and the system went into hibernate mode
-Fixed that InCD causes Software DVD player to hang when hard-ejecting while playing a DVD-Video
-Fixed that “Write inhibition” check box is shown only for DVD-RAM discs
-Fixed that “Verify” option in the Format dialog box in now also valid for DVD-RAM discs
-Fixed that after formatting, free space was less than usual on some drives
-Fixed that InCD can not complete legacy full format on some recorders
-Fixed that a “Read-only DVD+MRW” disc failed in format and erasing
-Fixed stability problems for Windows XP SP1
-Fixed problems concerning multiple user logins and usage as non-admin user
-Fixed instabilities in the W9x drivers
-Fixed file copy (using the explorer) problems on W9x systems
-Fixed quick DVD-RW formatting. A DVD-RW not written in packet writing mode could not be formatted
-Fixed that un-installation hung when the InCD service was not running
-Improved the correct and safe LVID handling
-Improved stability
-We support drives that break the de-facto standard of DVD+RW Track Information response
-Compatibility problem between InCD 4 and Windows Media player 7 solved
-Fixed that InCD didn't start after reboot on NT4
-Copying a lot of files, distributed in a lot of folders, would provoke a blue screen has been fixed
-Fixed that under very specific conditions, it wasn't possible to quickformat an already MRW-formatted disc after a soft load

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Modifié en dernier par Laddyc le 18 Fév 2004 21:16, modifié 1 fois.
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Messagepar williams » 17 Fév 2004 16:49

quel bon ! >> :lol:
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Messagepar gowap » 18 Fév 2004 0:03

Disponible dans notre rubrique Image Téléchargement.

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Messagepar Le Bibliothécaire » 19 Fév 2004 20:34

Une question en passant : J'ai Nero 5.5 et InCD 3.31, qui marche très bien (tiens 'y a pas un smiley "j'croise les doigts ?");

Juste pour savoir, vu que j'ai planté un PC en essayant : est-il nécessaire d'avoir Nero 6 pour installer InCD 4 ?
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Messagepar un Chat » 20 Fév 2004 0:00

Le Bibliothécaire a écrit: .....: est-il nécessaire d'avoir Nero 6 pour installer InCD 4 ?

non j'ai testé incd4 alors que j'avais encore nero 5.5 et n'ai pas eu de pb à cause de cela.
winXP home P4 3gh bus 800, 1024 ddr3200, leadtek 6800GT, DVDRW ms8404a, DD 160 sata
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