IsoBuster 1.5 beta 8 (MAJ: beta 10)

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IsoBuster 1.5 beta 8 (MAJ: beta 10)

Messagepar ditche » 11 Sep 2003 2:26

Modifié en dernier par ditche le 17 Sep 2003 20:20, modifié 1 fois.
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Modérateur misanthrope
Messages: 8192
Enregistré le: 15 Jan 2003
Localisation: Belgique - Liège

Messagepar ditche » 17 Sep 2003 20:19

Beta 10:

Changes :

- Changed the icons inside the executable. A new website, new icons, a new look !
- The installation installs both a HTML Help file (*.chm) and an old style *.hlp file.
- This version launches the HTML Help by default if Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher is installed.
- The old style help is launched when Internet Explorer 4.0 is not yet installed
(e.g. Windows 95 clean)
- Support for two types of Multi-File Images (e.g. *.pdi images or *.iso or *.bin images and *.gi images)
ImageFile.pdi04 )
ImageFile(15).gi )
- Splitting up image files during creation to user-specified size (e.g. DVD images into 4 files of 1 GB each)
- Support implemented for CD-Text in CueSheet files (*.cue).
- Support implemented for CD-Text in *.cdt files (linked via *.cue files).
- Support implemented for creation of CueSheet files (*.cue).
- Support implemented for creation of CD-Text files (*.cdt) linked via CueSheet files (*.cue).
- Ability to change in the options when and how a CueSheet file is created.
- Included Macedonian language support in the 'all languages' download
- Added support for Alcohol xx% images (*.mds and *.mdf images)
- Open via the *.mds (track/session descriptor file) to get the proper track/session layout. Including Multi-File support.
- Open the *.mdf (data container file) to treat as an ordinary image without track/session layout data.
- Added support for Clone CD images (*.ccd)
- Open via the *.ccd (track/session descriptor file) to get the proper track/session layout.
- Open the *.img (data container file) to treat as an ordinary image without track/session layout data. (Previously already supported)
- Label Mount-Rainier discs as "CD-MRW" instead of "CD-RW" and "DVD+MRW" instead of "DVD+RW". Drive needs to be MRW capable.

Improvements :

- Improvement which works around a buggy DataFab card reader driver under Win2K and WinXP.
The card reader driver bug could cause a system shut-down when IsoBuster was started up.
- Some drives respond with "No Media Present" on commands they do not support.
This caused IsoBuster to assume there was no media or that the media was blank.
A work-around has been implemented.
- Some drives (or most drives at some point) don't implement MMC correctly.
In case of a single track CD-RW IsoBuster could get confused about the track length on some CD-ROM drives.
- Improvements in the SPTI vs Aspi Communication layer selection.
Sometimes Aspi couldn't be selected on NT, 2K and XP systems if SPTI couldn't find drives at startup.
SPTI is now also selectable in case you have no administrator rights on NT, 2K and XP.
In case you have no administrator rights, the help file explains what your administrator must select to grant you low level drive access.
- In case of (S)VCD, and in case files are located on M2F2 sectors (e.g. mpg files), "Extract" will work just as it did in versions 1.3 and lower.
As of version 1.4 normal "Extract" returned errors because IsoBuster wanted to read strictly 2048 bytes user data per block.
This was done to avoid problems with marginal drives that return bogus data in case of raw reading.
The improvement is still a lot stricter than versions 1.3 and lower. IsoBuster will now extract raw and convert to user data
automatically on "Extract" BUT only on real (S)VCD files, e.g. AVSEQ01.DAT or MUSIC01.DAT in the MPEGAV directory.
So if a CD looks like a VCD (because of certain parameters) "Extract" will still be strict unless the file is a real
(S)VCD file in which case the data is extracted raw and converted to user data in the background.
- Indirect ways to find the correct mode (M1 or M2F1) in 2K/block image files implemented (cosmetic use more than anything else)
- Workaround that deals with older Plextor (and OEM) SCSI drives that don't implement Read TOC (full TOC) correctly. (this could mess up the track layout)

Bug Fixes :

- Time stamp on files sometimes wrong
- The track size on DVD-R media (if only one track in one session containing less than 127,5 MB) could sometimes be wrong
(depending on the device it was tested with)
- Versions that come with HTML Help sometimes close with an exception error. This is now fixed.
- Versions that come with HTML Help sometimes start with an exception error on a win95 or NT4 system with IE < 4.0. This is now fixed.
- A very rare occurance (only seen once but repeatable on that CD) of an exception error due to a corrupted UDF structure with unexpected value.
- Flying folders (copy animation) was not always animated anymore (compiler issue)
- Sometimes, during image file creation, when there were errors on the CD,
and the image was spanning multiple tracks, and the option 'Always apply Selection' was checked,
the selected way to process the error was not properly being applied in the following track (IF that track had errors).
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Modérateur misanthrope
Messages: 8192
Enregistré le: 15 Jan 2003
Localisation: Belgique - Liège

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