Je déteste recevoir ce genre de mails!!!

Ici vous pouvez causer de tout et de n'importe quoi !

Je déteste recevoir ce genre de mails!!!

Messagepar Koba » 25 Sep 2003 23:31

Grrr... Si je tenais les sinistres individus à l'origine de ça, je les étriperais volontiers sur la place publique!!! :tresfache: :furieux: :tresfache:

Vous me direz que ceux qui sont assez stupides pour se laisser berner n'ont à s'en prendre qu'à eux-mêmes, mais ces façons de procéder m'énervent... Arnaquer les gens face-à-face, je peux encore l'admettre, mais de cette façon-là, non!!! :rocket:

Raaahh, j'enrage de ne pas mieux parler anglais, sans quoi j'aurais été encore plus grossier dans ma réponse!!! :beurk:

Personne n'a de quoi bomber cette boîte?!?!?!? :twisted: :wink:

Expéditeur : John Massaquoi <> Destinataire : koba.koba@caramail.comDate / Time14:14



Dear Friend,
I take liberty to introduce my humble self to you and permit me to write
I am MR.JOHN MASSAQUOI the son of Late Liberia Sports Minister Francois
Massaquoi, who was killed, while in office in 2001. After these, the Charles
Taylor control government provided the family with security. Presently the United Nations Security council and the United States
government, asked the Liberian Head of State {Charles Taylor} and members of his cabinet to go on exile,during the tenure of Late Francois
Massaquoi,(my Father) he enriched and accumulated a lot of money while
in office, but unfortunately for him he died.
This money was lodged in different banks abroad in America, Canada,Europe and Africa. Etc.
However,my family is not too comfortable with any in coming government
as my Late Father was very close to Charles Taylor, on this backdrop any
succeeding government might decide to Froze most of my father's Accounts and can so far recall these money back to the country, with exception of the money deposited in a SECURITY COMPANY which I will disclose to you when we have both esablished a mutual trust.
And due to the sanction placed on my family by the International community.
I can not reach this money nor withdraw it to Liberia for use.Thus this
is where your assistance would be needed.Otherwise, we have jointly decided within the family to relocate these funds outside Liberia for investment.
This is the only way and means we can utilize this money wisely.
Consequently, we beg for your assistance in investing this money
Purchase factory (s), Estate and any other viable venture you might suggest.I believe as a trustworthy and reliable person,you will not disappoint us,we have also agreed to give you 15% of the total amount as your share in this transaction, at the end of the day.Finally, I require the following information to facilitate and normalize the documentation with the Security Company.
(a) Your complete name
(b) Your Telephone/Fax Numbers
Again, all arrangement and logistics of this transaction are in place and we shall remain grateful. looking forward to hear from you.
Thanks in anticipations.
Best regards,
NOTE contact me on my email address below:
"Il vaut mieux mourir debout que vivre agenouillé" (Emiliano Zapata)
"La douleur est temporaire : qu'elle dure une minute, une heure, un jour ou même une année, peu importe, elle finira toujours par s'estomper. En revanche, si j'abandonne, ça ne s'effacera jamais" (Lance Armstrong)

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Messagepar Carmen Cru » 26 Sep 2003 3:34

y'avait un PUR site avec un mec qui a coincé un des gars qui avait monté ce hoax mondialement connu (y'a plein de crétins qui sont tombés dedans, c'est ça le plus désolant!)... Y'avait mm la photo du mec à l'aéroport etc...
C'est un Sud-Africain et un Nigérian qui ont monté cette arnaque si je me rappelle bien...

fait un gougleuh sur "419 fraud" et tu verras !! :lol:

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