Changes in Current Version:
* Fixed emoticon bug when using Alt+160 character at the beginning of its name in combination with the Truncate Name feature.
* Header in log files is always written using the selected interface language (only exception: using a complex language in Windows NT/2000/XP and logging in ANSI instead of Unicode. In that case, the header will be in english).
* Personalised Status mode resists even when Windows is locked.
* Archive Instant Messages and Archive Events options were inversed in the preferences. This is fixed.
* The Uninstaller and the Recovery Window are now 100% multi-language.
* New languages added: Malay, Estonian, Brazilian.
* There's no improvement concerning MSN Messenger 6 yet, I'm wtill working on it. However, I've modified some things so that Messenger Plus! disables itself properly when ran with this version of Messenger.
* Messenger Plus! is my only source of revenue and takes a lot of my time. Because of that, I'm currently testing a sponsor program. If you do not like that kind of program, you are free not to install it during Messenger Plus! setup. Thank you all for your support.