MotherBoard Monitor

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MotherBoard Monitor

Messagepar ditche » 22 Aoû 2003 17:21

Via VT1211 support enabled only via installer or advanced section of ini file (Epia board)
ADM7460 support (thanks Eric Iwill)
W83627HF & ADM7460 combo support used on Iwill DPI533, see board page for info (thanks Eric Iwill)
W83627HF & ADM1030 combo support used on IWill DP533-S, see board page for info (thanks Jason
SMSC EMC6D100 support (thanks Jean Delvare lm_sensors)
SMSC EMC6D101 support (thanks Jean Delvare lm_sensors)
SMSC EMC6D102 support
W83627HF & SMSC EMC6D102 combo support used on MSI 9126 (thanks Tamas)
new revision of the LM85 (thanks Tamas)
Option to ignore the VIA686 on some boards via the ini file
Improved ITE scanning for better ITE7xxx detection
Dashboard now has a 4th option, autohide, works very neat especially when docked in a corner

if not dialog box and you do have a wave, it's no longer looped
syslog won't crash mbm if lan connection gets terminated
-12 voltage showing wrong with digital VUM selection
error in documentation of the MBMStarter.dll

installer converted from Wise to Inno setup 4.05beta
updated the license a bit so free company use is allowed as long as you stick to the license
you can now create your own filenames for all log files
because of the above the 8.3 ftp option is removed
cpuspeed code (thanks Tamas)
moved the VIA686 detection down the list to avoid it being detected when there is a normal smbus chip

SB61G (Dave Cunningham)
EPoX 8RDA3+ (techsage)
ASUS P4S533-E (Joseph R. Sillup)
Abit IC7/IC7-G (Saru San)
Aopen MK7A (Chris Cristo)
Aopen MX3S-T (Chris Cristo)
MX3SP-T (Chris Cristo)
Epia Ezra
Epia Samuel 2
GA-8SQ800ULTRA (Andrew)

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