réservé aux membres inscritMoonly a écrit:Je ne vois pas ce qu'il y a, à part une connerie d'inscription pour voir une image...
Some new (compared to the first Premium) stuff i noticed:
- added 2x and 48x writing speeds
- added Yamahas Audiomaster mode
- Varirec now can be set in .1 steps
- Gigarec 0.6x up to 1.4x (adding .9x and 1.1x settings)
- added Plexeraser
- short build (17cm)
On peut d'ailleurs se demander si les dyes des CD-R certifiés 52x vendus actuellement
sont encore optimisées pour pouvoir être parfaitement gravées à la vitesse de 2x.
Audio Master Quality Recording
To improve recording quality still further, Plextor’s PlexWriter Premium2 incorporates Yamaha’s Audio Master Quality Recording system. Users can create studio-quality audio masters that not only sound better, but can also increase the life span of their valuable recordings. In addition to reducing jitter, it can improve playback compatibility (for the widest range of players), increase the lifespan of audio CDs and backups, and protect valuable data.
Venturer a écrit:The capability of backing up securom titles with Blindwrite and Premium (1) was due to a bug in the firmware !
Indeed Plex 716A and later have this bug fixed so it's not possibile to use Varirec with Blindwrite and Securom titles.
I don't think Premium 2 will be able to backup Securom titles in the same way of the original Premium because for sure have fixed this bug like with PX716A/755/760.
Forget about it !
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