Plextor PX-708A (Firmware)

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Plextor PX-708A (Firmware)

Messagepar angegabriel2k3 » 20 Déc 2003 18:47

Plextor vient de sortir un tout nouveau firmware
pour son PX-708A. Il s'agit de la révision 1.04 !!!

Change Log (File Size: 648KB) :

Support added for newer 8x DVD+R media
8x write support added for additional brands of 4x DVD+R media
Support added for additional brands of DVD+R and DVD+RW media
Support added for additional brands of DVD-R and DVD-RW media
Improved write performance for DVD+R and DVD+RW media
Improved write performance for DVD-R and DVD-RW media
Improved write performance for various brands of CD-R media
Corrected possible conflict between different application softwares when recording DVD-RW media
Corrected possible "No Seek Error"during write of DVD+R medium while using Nero

Pour le D/L, c'est par ici : ... 8A_104.exe

Source : ... m_708A.htm

Et il retourna en haut parmi les siens,
afin de préserver la paix entre les anges
et les humains...
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