donc la conversion tout va bien ect puis il me demande si je veut le graver j'accepte il inscrit un message " mise en cache "
Puis plus rien il dit gravure echouée etc..
Je perd tout éspoir

- Code: Tout sélectionner
13/12/2005 15:20:44 information ********** fin de la session ***********
13/12/2005 15:20:42 information Media removed. Burning layer not ready to write
13/12/2005 15:20:37 Erreur Exception encountered in read thread [Access violation at address 0088CE7C in module 'vso_hwe.dll'. Read of address 446F549C]
13/12/2005 15:20:32 Erreur Write error at 0 (32) - Code 04 91 C2 [Hardware error]
13/12/2005 15:18:13 information Write started 1217584 sectors to write
13/12/2005 15:18:13 information Writing speed requested x2.4, effective x1.5
13/12/2005 15:18:13 information Available write speed: x2.4, x2.0
13/12/2005 15:18:13 information Media ID can't be read from this media
13/12/2005 15:18:13 information DMA Enabled
13/12/2005 15:18:13 information Creating image cache file "C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Application Data\VSO_HWE\HWE_051213151813171.CACHE"
13/12/2005 15:18:13 information Scanned files #8, folder #3 - total size 2492485632 b. (2,32 Gb.)
13/12/2005 15:18:13 information Inserted media type : DVD+R
13/12/2005 15:18:13 information Write started
13/12/2005 15:18:12 information Media name: "LE.TERRITTOIRE.DES.MORTS.FRENCH.DVDRIPP.XVID.UDT"
13/12/2005 15:18:12 information Burned folder: "C:\Documents and Settings\Propriétaire\Mes documents\DivxToDvd\le.territtoire.des.morts.FRENCH.DVDRIPP.XviD.UDT"
13/12/2005 15:18:05 information New media inserted. Burning layer is ready to write
13/12/2005 15:18:04 information Compatible media types : DVD+R, DVD+RW, CD-R, CD-RW
13/12/2005 15:18:04 information New Drive selected : 1:1:0 - HP DVD Writer 200j 1.36 [F] (Ide)
13/12/2005 15:17:23 information New media inserted. Burning layer is ready to write
13/12/2005 15:17:22 information User default language : 2060 (0x080Ch) - French (Belgian)
13/12/2005 15:17:22 information System default language : 1036 (0x040Ch) - French (Standard)
13/12/2005 15:17:22 information Version
13/12/2005 15:17:22 information ExeName : "C:\Program Files\vso\DivxToDVD\DivxToDvd.exe"
13/12/2005 15:17:22 information OS : Microsoft Windows XP Personal Service Pack 1 (Build 2600)