Production mondiale CD / DVD

Ici on parle des supports d'écriture : CD-R/RW, DVD±R/RW, DVD-RAM...

Production mondiale CD / DVD

Messagepar johnny51 » 14 Nov 2010 0:17


Avons nous une idée de la production annuelle mondiale de CD (+ CD rom) et DVD (+ DVD ROM + blue ray) ?

Nouveau Membre
Messages: 1
Enregistré le: 14 Nov 2010

Re: Production mondiale CD / DVD

Messagepar dsp56001 » 10 Juil 2011 2:16

Salut les jeunes,

Plus ou moins car voici une news de CDRLabs qui répond en partie à ta question: ... wsId=29868

Pour les CD:
CD-R/RW writer and CD Combo sales largely disappeared in 2010, with inexpensive DVD writers taking their place. As a result, most users and vendors have moved to DVD writers.

Disc media declined, with the market representing 3.329 billion units in 2010. CDR disc sales continued to be below global volume of DVD discs in 2010.

Revenues were influenced by declining volume, with average unit pricing stabilizing, Entertainment levies in Europe had a major influence on geographic sales of disc media, SCCG said.

Pour les DVD:
DVD recordable technology registered sales of $5.13 billion in calendar-year 2010, SCCG found. This figure is down from $6.25 billion of revenue in 2009. DVD recorder sales influenced this decline, with unit sales changing by -2%, to 144.238 million units.

Disc media sales changed by -4%, to 4.116 billion units.

DVD writers were the most important hardware category, with revenue of $3.43 billion.

DVD video recorders, while much smaller in volume, had unit pricing more than eight times that of DVD writers, with revenue of $0.89 billion. In the writer segment, the market is almost exclusively one of two formats: DVD Multi (with DVD-RAM capability), with 84.57% of the market last year, and Dual DVD (±), with 15.43%.

In the DVD disc media business, revenues totaled $805 million in 2010. DVD-R was the most significant recordable DVD format in 2010, with 68% of DVD recordable disc sales, followed by DVD+R, 29%; DVD-RW, 2%; DVD+RW, 1%; and DVD-RAM, less than 1%.

Bonne nuit Europe.
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