Bon suite à un vieux post sur le S.A.V de Hewlett Packard (ou je les encensais ainsi que leur site très bien fait), je vous fais part des emails échangés avec le Customer Serv (aux US donc en Angl, I'm afraid) lorsque je me suis rendu compte qu'il fallait payer pour avoir une m.a.j du driver ( ) de mon app photo digital pour winXP (c'est un vieil app pas cher qui etait vendu en bundle avec une bonne imprimante, la 950C, il y a 3 ans)
Moi :
I can NOT believe that you want to charge people for a driver update !!!
How do you think others do? Hey presto, they make them available for
download on their website, but no, HP have to put them on CDs, ship them across the world and (guess) charge for it... How ridiculous.
Btw, it's for the Photosmart 215.
I had a v good impression of HP for their cust support, website etc in the past, but you just shattered it to pieces.
HP :
Dear Carmen ( ),
Thank you for contacting HP Total Care.
In regards to your e-mail, I would like to inform you that you can load
the software for your HP Photosmart 215 camera from CD shipped to you
along with your camera. However to update the software you need to
order the CD.
Follow the steps listed below to upload images taken with an HP
Photosmart 215 or 215xi camera to a computer running Windows XP using
the ArcSoft PhotoImpressions 2000 software.
bla bla bla... etc (~60 lignes m'expliquant comment utiliser mon appareil )
Wish you a very Happy New Year 2004. ( )
HP Total Care
Moi :
Ive had the camera for almost 3 years. Thanks for telling me how to use it.
How do you (or rather your senior manager) justify to charge ppl for a driver update?? What kind of marketing strategy does that follow? The one that makes sure that people switch to Epson or Canon next time??
Bingo, I will. Thanks for your non-help. (Là, j'etais chaud !...)
HP :
Dear Sir Cru ( ),
Thank you for contacting HP Total Care.
I truly understand and share in your frustration. I assure you that
our customers are our top priority, and we are committed to serving our customer's needs.
I will ship a Windows XP compatible HP Photosmart 215 digital camera
drivers CD for free. For this purpose I need to know following
information about you.
* Date of purchase of the camera:
* Serial number of the camera:
* Your full name:
* Physical shipping address:
* Phone number:
Please send the above mentioned information and you will receive the
software CD within next two weeks. The delay is due to the holiday
If you have further questions, please reply to this message and we will
be happy to help you.
Sincerely, etc etc
Résultat des courses, j'envoie mes info et je viens de recevoir un email de confirmation m'indiquant qu'ils vont passer ma demande au responsable régional (UK) pour la suite de ma demande etc etc... donc c'est pas encore gagné.
Mais bon, conclusion : faut encore une fois gueuler pour avoir ce qu'on veut (ou plutot ce qui nous est du) et c'est mm pas sur que j'ai une version plus récente que celle que j'ai déjà avec tout ça...
Enfin ... don't give up the fight comme disait Bob. Happy New Year.