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Messagepar inconnu8 » 21 Jan 2007 21:12

l'annee 2007 commence bien

Plextor Exits CD DVD Market
Shinanokenshi (the parent company of Plextor) has decided to exit the market for consumer CD and DVD products. The Plextor brand name will remain for industry use products and digital playback units for the visually impaired. Shinanokenshi has announced that their optical drive operations will be reduced to 10% of its peak capacity. These actions will also lead to reduced workforce at Shinanokenshi. Shinanokenshi cites increased competition from Taiwanese and Korean manufacturers, increased pricing competition and slumping profit margins as reasons for exiting the ODD (Optical Disk Drive) business. Plextor has informed that there will be no more shipments of the latest PX-755A and PX-760A DVD burners. The drives should still be available in some retail stores, but once they sell out, they're gone.
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Messagepar ditche » 21 Jan 2007 21:38

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Messagepar Colok » 23 Jan 2007 19:13

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