The M-DISC™ is the first backward-compatible non-dye based DVD optical technology constructed of inorganic materials that are known to last centuries
Discs work but there are some issues
I decided to order a small quantity of these from Amazon to try in a new LG WH12LS39 disc writer that is specifically recommended for these new technology M-Discs. I burnt about 4GB of photos to the disc and it worked OK. The data did verify after the burn. But then the surprise: Upon re-insertion, the LG disc drive did not recognize the disc it just created and verified!
Inserted the disc about 10 times and found that it was recognized about 70% of the time
The same drive has no difficulty recognizing discs of the regular +R or -R technology, it is apparantly the new M-discs that create problems. However, once the disc is recognized on insertion, there is no difficulty reading the data.
I then tried the disc in another 6 disc readers to which I have access. One reader, a clunky old Samsung external DVD drive, has no difficulty recognizing the disc at all. But one of the readers totally failed to work with it. The other readers will recognize it, but not 100% of the time. You may have to insert it more than once before it will work.
As far as I am concerned, the jury is still out on the new M-disc technology. Yes, the discs are supposed to last forever (the manufacturer boasts a 1,000 year life span), but the discs are very expensive. It may be better to wait for the price to come down, as it always does with new technology in the computer world.
stifler a écrit:Oui, le M-Disc, c'est vraiment la révolution pour l'archivage des données numériques, et à un prix vraiment très abordable. J'ai acheté mes M-Disc ainsi qu'un graveur compatible chez (livraison rapide).
M-DISC Blu-ray is currently planned to launch in Q1, 2014 and the disc will be compatible with most of existing Blu-ray burner models.
franz99 a écrit:L’introduction de cette vidéo montre comment le M-Disc résiste même au passage instantané depuis ...
l’azote liquide à –180 °C vers de l’eau presque bouillante à 80 °C ! ... Ej6EFaELQQ
dsp56001 a écrit:- Millenniata and Verbatim-MKM Enter Worldwide Strategic Alliance for Co-Branding and Joint Development for Archival-Grade M-Disc Technologies and Discs: ... 00660.html
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