Mise à jour pour le graveur 812S
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If you have a 812S drive, you should NOT use this "_51S@832S" firmware! This
firmware, as the name suggests, is for 451S and 851S drives only.
For more information about 812S@832S, please visit:
dit le fichier texte dans le dernier firmware _51S@832S :
http://codeguys.rpc1.org/firmwares/832S ... S@832S.rar
451S@851S or 802S/812S/822S@832S
- Download an unscrambled stock firmware from either dhc014's firmware page or our firmware page.
- Download the OmniPatcher and read the documentation carefully.
- Load the stock firmware with the OmniPatcher and apply the crossflashing patch (and while you're at it, any other patches that you want). When you are done, save it.
- Flash your drive with the patched firmware that you have just created using the OmniPatcher. Please refer to the OmniPatcher documentation for more details about this step.
Traduction :
- Téléchargez le firmware VS0B - stock - unscrambled
- Téléchargez http://codeguys.rpc1.org/patchers/dvdrw ... -1.3.9.rar et lisez la doc.
- Ouvrez le fichier vs0b.exe avec Omnipatcher et appliquez le "crossflashing patch"
Fix the "dead drive blink" / Enable cross-flashing
This patch serves two purposes. First, for people who have "killed" their drives using RPCDE2 or liteonutil, this patch will fix the blinking light problem that results from this. Additionally, this patch can be used to enable crossflashing (e.g., 451S@851S and 812S@832S) in a firmware.

- Enregistrez sous 812s@832s.exe
- Flashez avec ce nouveau firmware
n'ayant pas de 812S, je n'ai pu tester