WinRAR 3.30 beta 1

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WinRAR 3.30 beta 1

Messagepar ditche » 15 Nov 2003 19:59

WinRAR 3.30 beta 1


- New "Scan archive for viruses" command unpacks an archive to temporary folder and checks its contents with antivirus software installed on a user's computer.

- New "Generate report" command creates a report containing the list of usual or archived files. You may optionally include a file size, date and CRC to report, choose the sort order, save report to file, send it to printer or copy to clipboard.

- New "Benchmark and hardware test" command allows to compare performance of RAR compression algorithm on different computers and detect possible errors caused by hardware failures.

- New "Print file" command is able to print both archived and usual files.

- New "Tools" menu contains "Wizard", "Show information", "Convert archives", "Find files", "Repair", "Convert to SFX" commands previously available in "Commands" menu and new "Scan archive for viruses", "Generate report", "Benchmark and archive test" commands.
WinRAR supports decompression of ZIP archives created using "Enhanced deflate" method.

- WinRAR pre-allocates disk space for files unpacked from ZIP archives. It helps to reduce disk fragmentation, especially on NTFS disks. Previous versions did it only for RAR archives.

- Now it is possible to decompress TAR, GZIP and ISO9660 archives of any size. Previous versions could not handle files of these formats, if they exceeded 2 GB.

- Status bar displays the current operation progress, when reading contents of large tar.gz and tar.bz2 archives.

(977 Ko)

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