Les 10 plus mauvais médias vierges de l'année 2005
selon un connaisseur: "dolphinius_rex"
[ Digital Dolphin's ]
n° 10) B Grade Optodisc media with TYG02 code.
n° 9) Ricoh 2.4x DVD+RDL
n° 8: RiData 2.4x DVD+RDL
n° 7) Princo DVDRs.
n°6) Memorex 2.4x DVD+RDL
N°5) Taiyo Yuden inkjet printables packaged in China
N°4) Lightscribe DVD+Rs! Have you seen the premiums on those things? It costs WAY more then it's worth!! and the stuff prints SO slowly, and only in old Gameboy spinache colours! And it's all made by CMC no matter what brand you end up buying. (also, where the heck are Lightscribe DVD-Rs?!?!)
N°3) Verbatim 4x DVD-R DL... it's not Verbatim's fault the format sucks, but it does.
N°2) Prodisc 8x DVD-Rs. How many people are sick of getting used to PRODISCS04, and unexpectantly receive PRODISCF01, or FUJIFILM03 or MCC02RG20 on their next shipment?
And the NUMBER 1 worst media of the year, according to me is.....
N°1) Ritek 4x DVD-R DL media....