Voici toujours selon
kg evilboy:
les marques sous lesquelles les véritables Taiyo Yuden
sont vendus en Europe:
Fuji (Europe)
8x +R = MIJ + 25 pcs Standard Cakebox with gray base or MIJ + 5 pcs cardboard box with jewel cases
Maxell (Europe)
4x +R = MIJ + Shrinkwrap (5-color disc), or 25 pcs That's Cakebox, or MIJ + 5 pcs cardboard boxed, in "regular" jewel cases
CAUTION: 8x +R and -R media can be Ritek, even if the packaging says MIJ.
Panasonic (Europe)
4x -R = Box + 10 pcs Slim Cases
8x -R = MIJ + 10 pcs That's Cakebox, MIJ + 25 or 50 pcs That's Cakebox (printable)
16x -R = MIJ + 10 pcs Slim Cases in shrinkwrap, MIJ or 25 pcs cakeboxes with gray bottom + clear shrinkwrap
Plextor (Europe)
With recent Plextor media, you should always get TY, in a That's cakebox with printed shrinkwrap.
TDK (Europe)
8x +R = Jewel Case (can also be MBI)
8x -R = 5 pcs Jewel Case (can also be other manufacturers)
16x +R = 25 pcs That's Cakebox + White Octagonal Spacer under a White Round Spacer with clear shrinkwrap, or 50 pcs That's Cakebox + Light-Blue Round Spacer with clear shrinkwrap
Verbatim (Europe)
4x +R = MIJ + Pastel Disc Shrinkwrap
4x -R = MIJ + Pastel Disc Shrinkwrap
8x +R = MIJ + Gray Bottom 25 pcs Cakebox with clear shrinkwrap, or MIJ + Pastel Disc Shrinkwrap
8x -R = MIJ + Gray Bottom 25 pcs Cakebox with clear shrinkwrap, or MIJ + Pastel Disc Shrinkwrap
16x +R = MIJ + That's 50 pcs Cakebox with printed shrinkwrap?
16x -R = MIJ + Gray Bottom 25 pcs Cakebox with clear shrinkwrap