Media verbatium limité au x2 sur graveur LG GSA-4081B

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Media verbatium limité au x2 sur graveur LG GSA-4081B

Messagepar chtom » 29 Aoû 2007 11:25


J'ai acheté des media Verbatim certifié 16x pour utiliser dans mon vieu graveur LG GSA-4081B.
Mon graveur peux graver les DVD-R en 4x normalement.
Malheureusement pour moi, mon graveur ne me permet de graver ces médias qu'en 2x d'après NERO.

Log de DVDInfoPro concernant ce média si je le met dans le LG :
Media Information
Region information N/A not a DVD-VIDEO
Media code/Manufacturer ID TYG03
Format Capacity Blank Disc
Free Blocks 412352512
Free Capacity 4.38GB(4.71GB)
Book Type DVD-R
Media Type DVD-R
Manufacturer Rated Speed 16.0x 22160KBps
Available Write Descriptor CLV 2.0x 2770KBps
Write Strategy Speed 4.0x 5540KBps
2x Speed OPC beta 09
2x Speed OPC power 09
2x Write Strategy field 1 15 A9 9A 90
2x Write Strategy field 2 88 80 00 00 00 00
4x Speed OPC beta 07
4x Speed OPC power 11
4x Write Strategy field 1 0C 10 0B 06
4x Write Strategy field 2 95 07 0D 0B
4x Write Strategy field 3 80 00 00 00
4x Speed OPC beta multi-pulse 08
4x Speed OPC power multi-pulse 16
4x Write Strategy field 4 17 96 88 85
4x Write Strategy field 5 B7 89 33 83 30 33
4x Write Strategy field 6 00 00 D0 00 00
Data area starting sector 30000h
Linear Density 0.267um/bit
Track Density 0.74um/track
Number of Layers 1

Complete Media Code
00000000 00 6A 00 00 01 40 C1 FD 9E D8 52 00 02 84 0D 11 .j...@....R.....
00000010 66 78 90 00 03 54 59 47 30 33 00 00 04 00 00 00 fx...TYG03......
00000020 00 00 00 00 05 A8 82 00 20 00 02 00 06 09 09 15 ........ .......

Log de DVDInfoPro concernant ce média si je le met dans un Pioneer :
Media Information
Region information N/A not a DVD-VIDEO
Media code/Manufacturer ID TYG03
Format Capacity Blank Disc
Free Blocks 412352512
Free Capacity 4.38GB(4.71GB)
Book Type DVD-R
Media Type DVD-R
Manufacturer Rated Speed 16.0x 22160KBps
Available Write Descriptor CLV 16.0x 22160KBps
Available Write Descriptor CLV 12.0x 16620KBps
Available Write Descriptor CLV 8.0x 11080KBps
Available Write Descriptor CLV 6.0x 8310KBps
Available Write Descriptor CLV 4.0x 5540KBps
Write Strategy Speed 4.0x 5540KBps
2x Speed OPC beta 09
2x Speed OPC power 09
2x Write Strategy field 1 15 A9 9A 90
2x Write Strategy field 2 88 80 00 00 00 00
4x Speed OPC beta 07
4x Speed OPC power 11
4x Write Strategy field 1 0C 10 0B 06
4x Write Strategy field 2 95 07 0D 0B
4x Write Strategy field 3 80 00 00 00
4x Speed OPC beta multi-pulse 08
4x Speed OPC power multi-pulse 16
4x Write Strategy field 4 17 96 88 85
4x Write Strategy field 5 B7 89 33 83 30 33
4x Write Strategy field 6 00 00 D0 00 00
Data area starting sector 30000h
Linear Density 0.267um/bit
Track Density 0.74um/track
Number of Layers 1

Complete Media Code
00000000 00 6C 00 00 01 40 C1 FD 9E D8 52 00 02 84 0D 11 .l...@....R.....
00000010 66 78 90 00 03 54 59 47 30 33 00 00 04 00 00 00 fx...TYG03......
00000020 00 00 00 00 05 A8 82 00 20 00 02 00 06 09 09 15 ........ .......

Peut-on configurer Nero pour forcer la gravure en x4 sur mon graveur ?
J'ai bien entendu la dernière version du Firmware pour mon graveur...

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