Pioneer BDR-101A : gravure BLU-RAY

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Messagepar franz99 » 06 Juil 2006 11:35

CDRinfo explique comment sera appréciée la qualité de gravure de ces nouveaux médias BD-R & BD-RE: ... 5&PageId=2
As can be seen, the measurement issues for the next generation formats go substantially beyond simply working with smaller features. The coding concepts, the relationships between measurements and playability, and the links between measured effects and their manufacturing-process causes, are all unique.

So, for BD, we have Random Symbol Error Rate (R-SER) , Burst Error Max, and Max total length of burst errors.

CDRInfo will present
the first digital error measurements on the recorded BD-R and BD-RE media
in the final version of this review.
Modifié en dernier par franz99 le 24 Juil 2006 9:00, modifié 12 fois.
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Messagepar franz99 » 06 Juil 2006 12:08

Et de poser la question essentielle pour l'avenir:
quels BD-R & BD-RE se conserveront le mieux dans le temps et
pourquoi ? ... 5&PageId=1
The recordable layer of a Recordable Blu-ray Disc, employs either organic or inorganic materials.
For a single-layer Recordable Blu-ray Disc, the thickness from the disc surface to the recording layer is 100 µm.

For example,
Fuji Photo Film Co. Ltd. has successfully demonstrated BD-R that can be readily put into commercial production using organic materials.
Furthermore, TDK has realized BD-R discs using inorganic materials (a Cu alloy layer and a Si layer). In addition to the type of inorganic materials used by TDK, it is also possible to use write-once phase change materials.
Modifié en dernier par franz99 le 24 Juil 2006 8:53, modifié 1 fois.
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Messagepar franz99 » 11 Juil 2006 9:08

Les premiers tests de médias Blu-Ray viennent d'être publiés pat c't magazine:

et ont été résumés par MediumRare sur CDRLabs

MediumRare a écrit:The German computer magazine c't has 3 articles on HD-discs in the newest issue No. 15/2006, now on the newsstands in Europe. If you can get it, it's well worth looking at!!

The third article is the most interesting (at least for me :D). They tested 2 BluRay burners with the presently available media types. I'll try to summarize the results in a similar style to the DVD tests.

There are presently 5 brands (and 4 manufacturers) available or in preproduction. All come as both write-once (BD-R) and rewritable (BD-RE). The Fuji media is made by Matushita (Panasonic), Verbatim (Mitsubishi) are preproduction samples.

c't burned samples of all media with both drives (except the Verbatim: Pioneer only). The Pioneer-burned disks were measured by Audiodev, subjected to a cliamtic stabilty test with 100 hours at 80° C and 85% rel. humidity and tested again at selected radial positions. Because of the tight schedule, the Panasonic discs were also tested at selected positions only.

The results (index and grade) are summarized in the following table. All discs were burned at 2x CLV (9 MiB/s). In contrast to DVD's, c't did not specify a "mechanical index" for the unburned discs. I hope they add this information in subsequent tests.

Code: Tout sélectionner
disc       manuf.          ID               Pioneer     Panasonic    Pioneer

BD-RE25    Sony          SONY (001)         87 / ++      85 / ++      73 / +

BD-RE25    TDK           TDKBLDWBA (000)    70 / +       61 / +       72 / +

BD-RE25    Panasonic     MEI (001)         -61 / --      67 / +     -103 / --
           + Fuji

BD-RE25    Verbatim      VERBATIM0 (000)   -94 / nr        na       -266 / nr

BD-R25     Sony          SONY (001)         21 / -       67 / +       78 / ++

BD-R25     TDK           TDKBLDRBA (000)    -7 / --      84 / ++      64 / +

BD-R25     Panasonic     MEI (001)        -103 / --      58 / +     -199 / --
           + Fuji

BD-R25     Verbatim      VERBATIMa (000)   -69 / nr        na        -34 / nr

- In all, the quality and compatibility is very good for this early stage in the product cycle.
- The best results were attained by the Sony and TDK BD-RE.
- Most discs exceeded the jitter margin but did not show pronounced extrema in the curves.
- Bowing generally remained within spec, even after the climate test
- A tendency to increasing RSER10K with radius indicates problems with the uniformity of the applied lower layer.
- Pioneer had problenms with some discs. Firmware update will probably help.
- The Verbatim media are preproduction samples and were not graded. The poor climatic showing of the BD-RE is due to increased jitter and needs work prior to volume production
- The Panasonic drive did better than Pioneer and is able to read and write CD's as well thanks to the dual lenses in the PUH.
Modifié en dernier par franz99 le 11 Juil 2006 9:27, modifié 1 fois.
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Messagepar franz99 » 11 Juil 2006 9:19

L'interprétation des chiffres et cotations de ces tests publiés par c't Mag est analogue à ce qu'elle était pour les DVD vierge:
c't sent their test discs to Audiodev in Sweden who analyzed them with the new CATS B600 BDR Pro analyzer. As usual, c't combined the various measurements into a quality index (the details are not specified).
As with DVD's, an index of 100 is perfect, >= 75 is very good (++), >= 50 is good (+), >= 25 satifactory (0) and >=0 is adequate (-). A negative index (--) means that uncorrectable errors occured or other signal aspects were greatly out of spec.

L'article et le résumé de MediumRare contient aussi différentes informations sur les caractéristiques physiques des BD-R et BD-RE
et notamment ceci concernant les "dyes" utilisées pour la couche sensible destinée à conserver les informations:
The information layer consists of phase-change material (e.g. GeSb) for rewritables and (at present) various inorganic material types for write-once media.
Organic pigments are in development- these will be cheaper to produce but more susceptible to temperature and humidity.
Modifié en dernier par franz99 le 05 Aoû 2006 9:28, modifié 1 fois.
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Messagepar franz99 » 03 Aoû 2006 9:32

Le graveur Blu-Ray du Pioneer BDR-101A
vendu à 794 € en Allemagne: ... c61561227e
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Messagepar franz99 » 04 Aoû 2006 19:35

Une autre petite review du Pioneer BDR-101A
vient d'être publiée sur cdfreaks:

Un extrait de la page de conclusion:
To sum it all up: The Pioneer BDR-101A is at the forefront of technology.
As a Blu-Ray recorder and reader, it performs extremely well.
As a DVD reader and writer it could be improved.
. . . .
En tant que graveur et lecteur Blu-Ray la performance est très bonne
En tant que graveur et lecteur DVD il pourrait être amélioré
Modifié en dernier par franz99 le 11 Aoû 2006 10:02, modifié 1 fois.
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Messagepar franz99 » 11 Aoû 2006 10:01

Une nouvelle review du Pioneer BDR-101A
par Ian sur CDRLabs:
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Messagepar inconnu8 » 21 Aoû 2006 9:01

franz99 a écrit:Le graveur Blu-Ray du Pioneer BDR-101A
vendu à 794 € en Allemagne: ... c61561227e

quand il sera en france, il sera probablement à 1000 € minimum

car tu as 20,6% de TVA a rajouté

plus la TAXE pour les droits d'auteurs afin de respecter la loie DADVSI. :lol:
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Messagepar franz99 » 15 Sep 2006 18:37

Ce qui sera nécessaire pour voir un film en HD sur un PC:

« What you will need to watch blue laser movies on a PC »
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