In the SUM-8 test the PIE levels should not exceed 280
while POF should remain 0.
In the SUM-1 test the PIF levels should not exceed 4
while POF should remain 0.
dolphinius_rex a écrit:Well, PI/PIF scores only tell ONE drive's interpretation of a disc. Not only that, but there are many other types of errors that are not included in PI/PIF testing!
For instance:
POF (although errors of this nature will generally make much higher PI/PIF scores)
Beta / Assymetry
There are many other error types, but we can actually test for the ones above!
Personally, I use the DW1640 to test for PI/PIF/POF and Jitter, then I use the LiteON SHW-1635S to test for another perspective of PI/PIF values, and then I use the PX-716SA to offer a third perspective on PI/PIF values, and also scan for Beta/Assymetry.
The whole process takes almost 4 hours when testing a DVD±RDL disc, or ~2 hours on single layer.
For the average user, running a transfer rate test and maybe a PI/PIF scan ought to be enough though... but there will be times where you just CAN'T see the problem with the hardware you have. In times like those, it's good to check out reviews on the drive (if they do a good job!) and see if the media type showed any problems when burned with the same drive as you, in a way that you can't personally test for.
And it's for reasons like that, that I try to hunt down media from all over the world, and don't mind spending 2-4 hours per disc, just in testing
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