As a DVD reading device, the drive performed admirably, reading pressed SL media with a speed up to 16X and DL media up to 12X. Write once media were read at a max speed of 16X and Re-Writable media at a max speed of 12X.
Due to the high reading CD/DVD speeds and the ability to read everything we tried without a single error,
we have awarded the drive five stars (for reading) in our ratings table at the end of this page
skander14 a écrit:Je suis enclin à penser que c'est un lecteur remarquable (désolé Slywall) car de tous les TRT que j'ai effectué sur mes DVDR gravé pas une seule fois je n'ai constaté le moindre problème ou ralentissement.
Ian a écrit:First off, I wanted a drive that could read DVD+R and DVD-R media at 16x without a hack. That eliminated Lite-On's drives... which are also very good readers and hardly ever slow down, no matter how crappy a disc. I also considered Plextor's drives but they are a bit too sensitive for my tastes.
In the end, it came down to NEC and BenQ drives. I eventually decided on BenQ because it a) reads DL media at 12x and b) I was already using it for write quality testing.
The BenQ drives will usually exhibit readability problems if there is a large PI/PIF spike on the disc or fail altogether if there are PO Failures. It's not perfect though. What they seem to be most sensitive to though is jitter. If the jitter rates are high, it can magnify the PI rates and cause more readability problems. Some people don't like this fact, but I think it gives a better overall picture.
Dragemester a écrit:Any drive can be used to perform a TRT (TRansfer Test), but I prefer to use at least two different drives that are somewhat picky readers without being really bad readers.
My BenQ DW1655 and NEC ND-4551 tend to react negatively to different disc problems, so I usually use those two, but that still doesn't guarantee that the disc can be read in all other drives.
slywall a écrit:@Skander14, s'il s'agit d'un de tes disques pourrais tu réaliser les courbes de fransfert correspondant avec chacun des BenQ et poster ça dans le sujet linké plus haut.![]()
Oui tu vois le 1650 nous montre ici une sensibilité au jitter qui peut être intéressante et je te remercie de la pertinence de ces scans pour illustrer les propos de Ian, d'autant que la mesure du jitter est assez identique du 1640 au 1650.
slywall a écrit:. Dommage que tu n'aies pas un lite-On
Mes migraines ont cessé depuis que j'ai pris ces deux décisions:skander14 a écrit:Je suis perplexe et c'est peu dire,
et c'est en ce sens que je commence à comprendre les migraines de Franz99![]()
franz99 a écrit:[Et au lieu de scanner je vais au cèpes à Orbey !
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