AlchomK a écrit:P.S. Si mes questions généralistes polluent ce topic qui porte sur les Taiyo Yuden, dites-le moi que je poste dans un autre sujet.
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AlchomK a écrit:P.S. Si mes questions généralistes polluent ce topic qui porte sur les Taiyo Yuden, dites-le moi que je poste dans un autre sujet.
AlchomK a écrit:Donc, pour revenir à TY, est-ce que les DVD Verbatim "Colour Disc" vendus pas 10 boîtiers slim en 4X sont également fabriqués par le constructeur japonais ?
franz99 a écrit:Attention aux mots Pastel et Colour devant Disc sur les emballages (en bas à droite).
J'ai déjà indiqué que les Verbatim Colour 16x (emballés par 5) que j'ai achetésfranz99 a écrit:Les Verbatim "Colour Disc" emballés par 5 et de 5 couleurs vives différentes
DVD-R 16x certified
Advanced AZO+
- fabriqués à Taïwan (indication au dos)
- et de MID code MCC 03RG20
c'est-à-dire de même code que les autres Verbatims certifiés 16x
vendus dans les emballages traditionnels (disques non pastel)
dolphinius_rex a écrit:So here's the facts:
- Taiyo Yuden's original 4x DVD-Rs were discontinued quite some time ago. This was their Premium Line product (as opposed to "Value Line product".
- Last year, Taiyo Yuden introduced a budget DVD-R. This was often Sold as Taiyo Yuden 4x DVD-Rs, but actually carried a mixture of TYG01 and TYG02 codes. Eventually, TYG03 was also spotted! When asked about this product, Taiyo Yuden made the comment that this product was not from their Premium Line, but from their Value Line.
-This Value Line product was given an odd product code from Taiyo Yuden, very specific to the type of media it was: DVD-R47VAL600SK. In comparison, Premium Line 8x DVD-Rs carry this style of code: DVD-R47ZZSB8, and Premium Line 16x DVD-Rs carry this code: DVD-R47ZZSB16 (you see the pattern)
- Further investigation into Value Line media led to the discovery of a double serial number pressing, that only existed on discs sold as Value Line. This also led to the discovery of mixed batches of Premium and Value Line DVD-Rs, although to find Premium discs in Value Line shipments was rare in the beginning, and seemed to phaze out completely later into the year (last year!).
- Taiyo Yuden then discontinued the Value Line for DVD-Rs (this happened around September 2005)
- Yesterday (Jan 10th 2006), I received notice Taiyo Yuden 4x DVD-Rs had once again, become available. However looking a little deeper, I noticed something had changed! Firstly, in the previous Value Line 4x DVD-R, there was *ONLY* Silver Laquer media available, and now White Inkjet Printable was becoming available (Available at any day now!), and secondly, the code for Taiyo Yuden's 4x DVD-Rs had changed from DVD-R47VAL600SK into DVDRZZ600SK4.
- I sent the following message to my contact who notified me of the change (He works for the largest distributor of Taiyo Yuden, possibly world wide, but at least in the western hemisphere):I just noticed the part number change... is this no longer a value line product? Is it guarenteed TYG01 Premium line now??
(crossing fingers!)
And received the following response:TY will give no description of A grade or B grade, simply certified 4X media.
So what will we be getting in future shipments of Taiyo Yuden 4x DVD-Rs? I don't know... it could be premium line TYG01, or it could be the same mix of product (including the crappy TYG03) that we've seen in the past
DVD Shop Online a écrit:Hi Easy Rider
All Taiyo Yuden products supplied by DVD Shop Online are genuine, sourced through official channels, and made in Japan.
Any disc product contained in the Taiyo Yuden store, or in the That's store is a genuine, Japan made, Taiyo Yuden disc.
There may be other discs within our store that contain TY codes, we stress these discs are NOT Taiyo Yuden, they are discs manufactured on the behalf of companies such as Hyundai, Gigatain or DataOn, that happen to have a TY code. These are the discs people often refer to as fake Taiyo Yudens. None of these discs are ever sold or marketed as Taiyo Yuden products by us.
Should you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us, or indeed contact Trading Standards, and we will be happy to provide them with any neccessary information regarding the supply chain of this product and its authenticity.
La raison de tout ceci est pourtant simple:enigma1986 a écrit:. . .
je ne comprend pas pourquoi de tel acharnement afin de retrouver les dvd de mark tayo je sais pa trop quoi?? qu'on t il en particulier ?? . . .
... je sais pas trop quoi ?
.Generally, TY DVD discs have three codes,
a four-digit number,
a eight-character batch code (which are both located in the outer hub area)
and another code in the transparent hub
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