Burnitall a écrit:Bon c'est un peu simpliste il faudrait pousser bien plus loin la comparaison pour être objectif. Chrome est par exemple bien moins chargé en plugins et en extensions que FF ou IE.
ditche a écrit:Comparatif : quel est le meilleur navigateur ?
the day FB gets Opera is the day I start using FF. I've used and loved Opera since 5 or 6, back in about 2000. I love the browser and love the company. I just don't want anything to do w/FB, though, so we'll be parting ways if this happens.
Opera is the most memory efficient browser, followed by Firefox
Opera needs 150 MB less of memory than Chrome for the ten websites
Firefox needs 100 MB less of memory than Chrome to display the ten sample websites
When it comes to virtual memory, both browsers use only half of what Chrome needs.
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